Terms and Conditions

We have a range of bespoke training workshops, please contact us to find out more or discuss your training needs.

License to use
  • The Kids Research Institute Australia hereby grants you a license to use the resources on the LMS (the Resources) for the purpose of the Course.
  • This license is non-transferable which means it is personal to you – you cannot share the user code with others, not even colleagues or fellow students. The license is also non-exclusive which means you are not the only person who has access to the Resources.
  • The Resources on this website and The Kids Research Institute Australia name, logo and related names and logos are owned by The Kids Research Institute Australia and are protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property laws.
  • No right, title or interest in or to the Resources is transferred to you and all rights are reserved by The Kids Research Institute Australia.
  • We encourage you to use the Resources, but please contact engagement@thekids.org.au for permission first.
  • If you would like to make alterations or modifications to the Resources to suit your specific use then you must remove all references to, names and logos of The Kids Research Institute Australia, Anne McKenzie and Bec Hanley prior to such use.
  • Your license to use the Resources may be terminated at any time by The Kids Research Institute Australia if you do not comply with these terms and conditions.
  • Your license to use the Resources is for a period of 3 months from the date you first sign up and accept these terms and conditions so please make sure you are ready to go through and complete the Course before you login.
  • If necessary, you can apply for an extension by sending an email to engagement@thekids.org.au. Any extension of the Term is at The Kids Research Institute Australia absolute discretion.
  • Once you have paid the course fee, it will not be possible to postpose the course.
  • The fee for use of the Resources for a period of 3 months is $75 + GST per single user.
  • Discounts apply for multiple users and can be negotiated for groups above 200 users.
  • Once you have paid the fee, there will be no cancellation or refund of the fee.

Please refer to https://www.telethonkids.org.au/legal/privacy/ for our Privacy Policy.

Third party links

The Kids Research Institute Australia is not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions expressed on any third-party websites not operated by or related to The Kids Research Institute Australia. The Kids Research Institute Australia does not monitor or check these third-party websites for accuracy or completeness and a link to a third-party website does not imply approval or endorsement of the linked website by The Kids Research Institute Australia.

Limitation of liability
  • The Resources are provided to you as-is and without any warranty, express or implied including any warranty of merchantability, title or fitness for a particular purpose.
  • To the extent permitted by law, The Kids Research Institute Australia shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly out of these terms and conditions, the Resources or the learning module system. The Kids Research Institute Australia is not liable in any circumstances for your use of the Resources or the outcome for you in proceeding based on the information in the Resources.
  • Availability of website. The traffic of data through the Internet may cause delays during the download of information for the website and The Kids Research Institute Australia is not liable for delays that are ordinary in the course of internet use.
Updates and modifications
  • The Kids Research Institute Australia reserves the right to update, amend and deleted the content of the Resources at any time and as it sees fit.
  • The Kids Research Institute Australia does not have an obligation to update, amend or delete content of the Resources.
  • The Kids Research Institute Australia may update these terms and conditions from time to time and such updated terms and conditions will apply to you.

For more information

Belinda Frank
Community Engagement Senior Manager

Anne McKenzie AM
Involvement Coordinator

08 6319 1000